Sunday, June 02, 2024

Little must put end to library act's lies

| April 2, 2023 1:00 AM

Only Governor Little can now stop bill H314 the so-called "protect the library" act. It is a shame when even the titles of bills are lies.

Our library does not stock pornography, already required by law not to carry such material. The legislature should not be allowed to prevail here: most are uninformed (by out-of-state-base organizations) on these issues:

"In 2022, we [IFF] demonstrated how direct cash grants from Washington were being used to circumvent local control of libraries. We exposed how libraries were stocking their shelves with graphic children’s books promoting, among other things, kinky sex, sexual deviancy, and early sex among children."

This is another lie.

The bill's definition of "pornographic" is not clear, and will have to be decided in the courts anyway if the governor signs it.

Support for LGBTQ non-discrimination measures is strong (well over 50%) among Idaho voters.

The bill constitutes censorship, which sets a dangerous precedent for our freedom of speech and information. Voters resoundingly rejected library board candidates with these sorts of extreme views. Should state law override our local preferences for library books?

Help Governor Little make his decision based on what voters think. Write to him here:

