Sunday, June 02, 2024

Shea has best interests of community, library at heart

| April 25, 2023 1:00 AM

I attended the candidate forum for the East Bonner County Library Board. One candidate was thoughtful, measured, and clearly has the best interests of the library at heart. That candidate is Susan Shea.

Susan Shea has been on the board for six years, during that time the library has offered a wide variety of services while not raising the budget for the last five years, saving taxpayer dollars. Her background in finance has kept the library on a strong financial footing.

The mission statements of the library and the American Library Association are the values that Susan Shea brings to the board. She is a strong believer in the first amendment and our freedom to read, write and view books, movies, and art of our choice. She does not believe we should live in a community where a small minority decides what everyone else can or cannot see or read. Susan Shea is against censorship, banning, and secluding books. She believes it is up to individuals and parents to choose what is appropriate for themselves and their children.

Susan Shea is thoughtful when considering the needs of the community and the library. She will not narrow the focus of the library to appeal only to a minority of the community. She will continue to advocate for a broad variety of activities and materials in the library that will appeal to, and be available to, the whole community.

Vote to keep our library intact. Re-elect Susan Shea on Tuesday, May 16.

