Sunday, June 02, 2024

Shea brings steady, quality leadership to library board

| April 30, 2023 1:00 AM

I’d like to publicly appreciate the work that Susan Shea has done for our library as a member of the board and to support her reelection, loudly and proudly. We all know about the fantastic facilities, collection and programs. It’s amazing, for a community as small as ours, to have such a wonderful library.

I think about that a lot. You know what I don’t ever think about when I think about the library? Drama. Friction. Indecision. We’ve seen what happens when politics and personalities overwhelm priorities at some of our other North Idaho institutions (NIC for example).

Our library board works, because all of its members are committed professionals, without agendas, without ulterior motives, and with a healthy respect for one another. Susan Shea is an important part of that. For the past six years, she’s earned the respect of the rest of the library board.

And you know what? The competent, steady, drama-free leadership that that mutual respect has produced has earned mine. Let’s re-elect Susan Shea, and let’s keep our library board focused on what really matters: making sure we always have a library that we can be proud of!

