Sunday, June 02, 2024

Herndon wants socialism for private religious schools

| March 26, 2023 1:00 AM

Scott Herndon wants tax dollars to pay for private religious schools. Isn’t he supposed to be against socialism? One has to wonder — can Herndon see himself? The answer is obvious, no.

What’s interesting, those who claim to hate socialism the most want Americans' tax dollars to pay for their private religious schools. That is socialism. Apparently, they’re all for socialism when it benefits only them.

Examples of socialism in America:

  1. Military;
  2. Public infrastructure—bridges, roads, electricity, water and sewer systems, etc.;
  3. Fire protection services and fire departments;
  4. Public transportation systems, including buses, subways, and railway stations;
  5. Police departments are fully socialized;
  6. Public parks;
  7. Public schools, universities, and community colleges;
  8. U.S. Postal Service;
  9. Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid;
  10. California-manufactured insulin.

