Sunday, June 02, 2024

Grocery drive aims to help FFOC

by KATHY HUBBARD / Contributing Writer
| April 10, 2024 1:00 AM

If you ate a satisfying meal today, think about this. One out of five children in our community might not have had enough to eat because food is scarce in their family.

Sadly, the rate of food insecurity continues to rise exponentially and is not likely to come down any time soon. The children in our community need your help.

During April, Yoke’s is sponsoring Food For Our Children’s Grocery Bag Drive and Round-Up. Round up your bill at checkout or grab a ticket from the little red wagon, take it with you to checkout and a $5 donation will be coded and added to your grocery bill. This $5 donation will feed one child at risk of food insecurity for a weekend.

Food For Our Children is a local non-profit that is doing something about childhood hunger, but your support is needed to fulfill its mission. Thanks to the generosity of Bonner County over 119,000 weekend bags have been distributed since Food For Our Children was started in 2015. FFOC distributes over 470 food bags weekly to Bonner County Schools and Head Start.

“Food For Our Children is 100% volunteer run, the board funds all overhead costs, so every dollar raised goes directly to purchasing food from 2nd Harvest, through the Bonner Community Food Bank, at wholesale prices,” Board member Kris Contor said.

Contor said the program is supported solely by donations. FFOC does not rely on any tax dollars. 

In addition to weekend bags, FFOC also hands out mid-morning snacks to each child on an as-needed basis. FFOC volunteers often hear teachers say, “It’s the power of a cheese stick! It’s amazing what a snack can do for our students.” With cutbacks in the free and reduced school lunch program, FFOC has also been able to assist with funding that bridges gaps in that program as well. 

“This community effort is made possible because FFOC partners closely with Bonner County Community Food Bank, Bonner General Health, and the Lake Pend Oreille School District,” Contor said. “FFOC is working tirelessly to ensure our children’s health isn’t jeopardized because of a lack of food.”

The community's future lies in the health of its children. Children who suffer from hunger are prevented from reaching their full potential. Malnutrition takes a toll on everything from the immune system, and oral health to academic and social development. 

For information or to donate, go online to Food For Our Children's website at And remember to round up at checkout.