Sunday, June 02, 2024

Scott Herndon is a true Republican

| May 7, 2024 1:00 AM

Scott Herndon is a true Republican. His work in the Senate proves it, his leadership of the Bonner County Republican Central Committee proves it and his willingness to address the concerns of his constituents proves it. Scott’s opponent isn’t seen at Republican events and town halls but can be found at Democratic events.

Scott represents Republican values in Boise. He cares about the Idaho quality of life. His promotion of S1036 removed the state’s misdemeanor criminal penalty for violating raw milk regulations and which also reduces excessive regulations of the raw milk industry. In a community where many of us purchase locally from farms and farm stands, this is important to me.

Because I love the beauty and freedom of North Idaho, I am thankful for his work on S1021 that stopped the Fish and Game Priest Lake siphon project and now protects the Priest Lake water level and outlet dam as the only authorized outlet of the lake.  

Scott Herndon consistently fights to preserve the lifestyle I cherish in Northern Idaho; I cannot say the same about his opponent. The truth is easily found by researching his voting record or by contacting him with your questions. I’m voting for Scott Herndon. 

