Sunday, June 02, 2024

Please don’t be an uninformed voter

| May 17, 2024 1:00 AM

My wife came home recently and told me that one of our friends, whom we know to be a solid conservative, was considering voting for Jim Woodward for state senator.

I got on the phone right away and called her. “Whatever are you thinking?” She admitted to being confused by all the often contrary and deceptive mailers, and by all the Woodward yard signs everywhere in her neighborhood.

Voting for candidates running for office for the first time can be taking a chance. They have no track record, and all we have to go on are their promises about what they’ll do if elected.

Fortunately, that’s not the case in this race. Both Jim Woodward and Scott Herndon have clearly established voting records from their respective terms as Idaho District 1 state senators.

So it isn’t necessary to take a leap of faith. Just spend a little time reviewing and comparing how they actually voted on virtually every legislative issue that's important to us all.

Please be informed before casting your vote. Two good places to start are and Idaho Freedom

We’ve done that, and now so has our previously confused friend. We’re all voting for Scott Herndon on May 21st, and we hope you'll join us.

